Friday, October 1, 2010

Just 9 More Days!

It’s hard to believe that the Ironman World Championship race is only 9 days away! Am I ready? Well, that’s the question friends are asking me, and the question that’s been swirling around in my head! At this point, it’s taper time…time to back off the long, long hours of training, get in some quality swim-bike-running, and gather all my clothes, shoes, goggles, and “accessories.” Gotta love any outfit that you can wear accessories with…even if it is a stretchy black belt with a big plastic buckle, and a gray and red highlighted watch with a wide, gray, rubber wristband!

I’m feeling close to being ready, which is right where I should be right now. I’ve been thinking a lot about my goal times, how I want to feel (good, but just on the edge of uncomfortable-ness) and what kind of competitor I want to be.

Physically, I want to push myself to a faster Ironman than I’ve done before, even though I’m 6 years older. Mentally, I want to be alert and thinking through each phase of the race both in the moment, and what’s just ahead. Emotionally, I want to remain positive throughout the day, no matter what I encounter, be it good, bad, or very challenging. Spiritually, I want to race with my heart overflowing with thankfulness and joy…a thankfulness and joy so genuine, that others see it in my face.

And when things get tough, there’s always a good song to go to, right? Today, while I was doing 1-minute pick-ups on a spin bike at The Club, my “go-to good song” was Amazing Grace…

Amazing grace; how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now I'm found; was blind, but now I see.
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved.
How precious did that grace appear, the hour I first believed.
My chains are gone, I've been set free,
My God, my Savior has ransomed me.
And like a flood His mercy reigns; Unending love, Amazing grace!

I’ve also been thinking about how this will be the first race, ever, that I’ve competed in “with a purpose.” I’ll be racing to bring awareness to, and help raise money for my friend and fellow athlete, Annamari, who conceived, developed and leads a program called Deep & Beyond. Deep & Beyond consists of a variety of outdoor activities that she offers to those in our Kona community who are disabled and/or disadvantaged. Annamari raises all her own living expenses (approx. $12,000/year), as well as the funds needed to run her programs (approx. $25,000/year).

Tax-deductible financial gifts of any amount are accepted, but for each $30 donation, you will receive a drawstring bag commemorating the Ironman and Deep & Beyond. The bags just came today (see picture above), and I’m excited to begin handing them out. Please let me know if you would like more information!

Finally, the clouds were just beautiful today! All day! I took pictures from a few different places – enjoy!

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