Friday, October 22, 2010

Some Numbers...Some Report

The 2010 Ironman World Championship race is now history, and before writing my whole race report, on another day, I'll start off with some numbers.

Ironman Wisconsin, 2003 & 2004, Ironman World Championship, 2010
Swim - 1:09, 1:11, 1:06
Bike - 7:32, 8:21, 7:18
Run - 6:25, 6:42, 5:22
Transition Times - 30min, 27min, 17min
Finish Time - 15:37, 16:43, 14:04

I was thrilled with my Ironman finish time October 9, and with the whole day! Actually, the whole week leading up to the race, and the week after, were great, too!

My Mom and Dad came from Wisconsin, ready to not only encourage me (as they have been doing, athletically, since I began swim team at age 9), but also to get right in there and volunteer at an aid station, and chase me around the course all day!

In my next post, I'll have a full race report...right now it's time to study for my Certified Pool Operator's Exam. I've been in class the last two days, learning all about water chemistry, pool equipment, how to figure water turnover rate and keep accurate records, etc, etc; generally how to keep a pool operating safely. It's been interesting...but I'm a little suspect of an instructor who doesn't swim in a pool, and would never get in a spa. She keeps pointing out in class that she knows something about the cleanliness (or lack thereof) of spa water. I, on the other hand, don't mind a few builds up my resistance, I say! And the hot water and jets feel so good after a long workout...


  1. Bobbi, You are truly amazing and an inspiration to me! Deb told me about your blog so i had to come look. i am getting back into swimming and love your enthusiasm and inspiration! Love the songs, scripture and glory to God for all he has inspired in you and everyone around you!!


  2. Congrats, this is really inspiring for all.
    Love the picture of your mum with the Ironman t-shirt: it's just awesome!!!!


